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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Southern Song follows China's New Footbinding Method.

11th century,

Southern Song Dynasty of china has declared that footbinding will become a common practice if you can afford the fee. It has been said that footbinding would make a women's appearance more proper and dainty as if they will need it in the future. With all the painful process women will go through would be a torture but, at the same time make them look wanted by wealthy men.

Being able to afford footbinding is awfully expensive. The wealthy families are trying the method but are hurting their daughters and waisting their beautiful, natural feet just to look more appealing in the future that will be ignored for the next half of their life. Having a daughter with bound feet will put the family name to honor and respect because of it's significant of prestige, beauty and wealth.

Footbinding is known that when a young girl turns at the age of six and younger will begin their afflictive process of footbinding. This awful process will last at least two years until the child has the ability to walk normal without pain in her toes. That would be difficult to be unable to walk normally for at least two years.

The process of footbinding is, a mother would wrap her daughters feet very tightly in long bands of wet cloth, bending the toes and forcing the created arch into a high curve. When the child's foot will stop hurting then the bandages will be unwrapped and tightened. This caused the child's foot to stop growing and make it look pretty for future purposes. With the new feet, girls will be able to wear nice, silked shoes with their small feet.

In conclusion, footbinding has many good sides to it but it also has its bad sides too. Although it makes young girls look nicer in the future, some argue that it will ruin their feet and would be complicated to walk on them with all the pain. "It would be better to not let mothers footbind children's feet because it is mother nature that has created feet to look flat and curved at the top." You can always find a different way of showing you are from a wealthy family.

1 comment:

  1. If this is your editorial, then you need to state an opinion about the decision right up front and then stick with it and justify it throughout the article. So is this decision a good one or not? You can certainly present the arguments on the other side (like, “Some argue that footbinding….(reasons that go against your opinion). Then in the next paragraph you would want to present better reasons to show why your side is right.

    You also need to do some editing for spelling. One thing to know is that if you don’t want to say “footbinding,” and alternative is “ bound feet.”
